Patient Education and Support

In order to support our patients through the Covid 19 crisis we have developed some educational videos to help you self manage common respiratory symptoms. Content will be added regularly and we hope that you find them useful.

Chest Clearance and Active Cycle of Breathing Technique This video is aimed at patients who have chronic lung disease and who have problems clearing their chests and retained secretions. The video demonstrates the components of the Active Cycle of Breathing and is a useful adjunct to Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programmes.

Managing Breathlessness in COPD This video is for patients or any individual who experience symptoms of breathlessness due to chronic respiratory illness or anxiety. The reasons for breathlessness are discussed and practical techniques that can be used to reduce shortness of breath are demonstrated.

Medications for COPD This video is aimed at patients with chronic lung disease and provides information on common medications used in the treatment and management of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, bronchiectasis and interstitial lung disease. Common medications used in inhalers and their effects are discussed. The use of nebulisers in the management of COPD is considered.

Relaxation This video is aimed at both patients and individuals who would like to try a simple relaxation technique to help them effectively relax. If you suffer from breathlessness or anxiety this relaxation video may assist you in controlling your symptoms. It can be performed in either sitting or lying and is therefore suitable for all levels of ability. No equipment is necessary. You are guided through your relaxation journey whilst accompanied by relaxing visuals and calming music.